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5 Tips for a Natural Birth Plan

So you’re having a baby and hoping to have a natural labor & delivery? Meaning your birth plan does not include pain meds, an epidural, an induction, or a scheduled c-section. I am here to say, you CAN DO IT!  Aside from medical complications, I believe any woman that wants to have a natural labor CAN have the birth plan she desires.

I have had 3 babies with no epidural so I know it is 100% possible. With that said, I know every labor & delivery experience is different and that medical complications can arise, so I encourage any mother heading into labor to keep an open mind regarding her birth plan. There is no right or wrong way to labor, so please don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself if natural labor is your birth plan.

 Your Mindset Matters. 

THIS! Above everything else will be the difference between following through or giving up on your birth plan. With my first delivery, the nurse said something to me that I have never forgotten and is probably the reason I was able to birth 3 babies with no epidural. She told me, “Either you control the pain, or the pain will control you.”  She encouraged me not to be fearful of the pain, but to take charge and remain in control.

Choosing a mindset not of fear, but of trust was so powerful for me with my first labor & delivery experience. I chose not to allow the pain to dictate my decisions, and knew that I was in control (somewhat). Don’t get me wrong, it was still painful and scary and unpredictable, but I never let those negative feelings take over. If you choose to believe you can, you will! 

Remember when I said medical complications can arise? Well, with my first, the baby just was not budging and I was pushing for almost 3 hours, so I did choose to take some IV pain meds to help me relax between contractions. I felt good about sticking to my birth plan with no epidural, but I knew I needed something to help me get through as I was so exhausted by that point in my labor. 

 Listen to Your Nurses.

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate our labor & delivery nurses? Seriously, I would not have made it through without them. From the advice, to check ups, to foot massages, that’s right I said what I said, they are incredible angels that you need to listen to. OK, so not every nurse is going to offer a foot massage, but most nurses will have fantastic advice for you and your support person to help you manage your pain and keep your mind at ease. One of my nurses gave me a foot massage to show my hubby how to help relieve some of the pain I was in at the time.

Laboring can come with all sorts of unexpected events, like vomiting, the shakes, needing oxygen, you name it. You know who is getting you through? Your nurses, that’s who. They will be able to reassure you that what you are experiencing is normal or common, because some of it may seem shocking or abnormal to you, especially if it’s your first time. Labor and delivery nurses have helped so many women and will always encourage you to stick with your birth plan (unless medical interventions are needed), so listen to their advice and know you are in good hands.

 Have a Support Person or People.

Aside from the nurses and doctors, having support from your spouse or partner is so important. Your support person is there to be like a team-mate to remind you of your goals, to help you manage your pain, and honestly keep you distracted. Having someone to talk to about anything other than the pain you’re in, can be exactly what you need to push through some of the more painful moments of laboring.

If you want your mom or sister or best friend there too, just make sure everyone is on the same page and you’ve discussed your birth plan. With my second, I had my husband and my best friend with me in the delivery room. It was nice for my husband to be able to take a break or vice-versa, so I definitely recommend having two support people. Even though laboring is obviously the most difficult on the mother, it can be really hard on the spouse not being able to help or “fix it,” so it is great for the support people to be there for each other.

Just Breathe and Make Some Noise

So all the lamaze classes got it right with their breathing techniques. Contractions can become increasingly more painful, especially as you transition to the last stage of labor before the delivery. It helps to focus on breathing steadily and not tensing your jaw or grinding your teeth (that’s my tendency!). A nurse also recommended making a noise, which felt really funny at first, but actually helped me take my mind off the pain and even helped me breathe more steadily. Whether it’s an, “oo”, “ah,” or, “huoaugh,” I promise it will help with the more painful contractions.

Listen to Your Body

So some of us are more in tune with our bodies, than others, but something about pregnancy just makes a woman more aware. Trust your instincts and listen to what your body is telling you. Is your pain unmanageable? Communicate that with your support team. You may need to walk around, or find a more comfortable laboring position. Is your body telling you to push? Communicate that and make sure to check in with your nurses and doctor to be sure it’s safe to push. Our bodies send us signals for what we need, we just have to listen. The doctor’s and nurses can observe these signals, but only you can communicate your experience to them so they can provide the utmost care for you and your baby.
5 tips for natural labor
Whether this is your first delivery, you’re hoping for a V-BAC, or you’re hoping for your first epidural free delivery, remember to stay strong while keeping an open mind for things to change at any second. Birthing a child is never predictable and we can plan all we want, but sometimes plans change. These tips will help you choose to stick to your natural birth plan, because like I said before, I truly believe it is possible for all mothers to have the birth plan they desire (with the exception of medical complications).

Share with me in the comments below! Is this your first baby?  Why have you chosen a natural birthing plan? Are you prepared for your baby’s arrival? You can shop my 4th Trimester List for everything you’ll need to take care of you after baby arrives.
XOXO, app


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