LIFESTYLE - MOM LIFE - Motherhood - Wellness

Reasons to STOP Apologizing for Your Child

Now I know I’m only 3 years into this motherhood thing, but I decided early on that I was not going to apologize for my kids- being kids and you shouldn’t have to either. I’ve seen a lot of moms get embarrassed or overwhelmed by their child’s behavior, and every time I just want to shout “it’s ok! Like more than ok! Totally normal we’ve all been there ok!” So here are some reasons you NEED to stop apologizing for your child.

  1. Your child is NOT an inconvenience.
    But seriously to the person rolling their eyes or commenting on your toddlers tantrum- your child’s emotions or behavior is not their problem and what they think doesn’t matter. You know what does matter? You! And your child learning to manage whatever situation that’s bringing on the eye rolls. So ignore the passers by and focus on what you need to do to connect with your child and get through the tough moment. There’s a million more where that came from, so take it in stride. Learn to give yourself a break.
  2. Every kid is different.
    From one parent to another, what my kids need might be completely from what your kids need- BUT that doesn’t deserve an apology. We don’t need to apologize for our differences. Instead let’s try to learn from each other and support one another in the process. This parenting thing is real, and we can all use some help from our friends. Am I right?
  3. Apologizing for your child doesn’t teach him/her responsibility.
    If your little love bug of a child has actually done something that deserves an apology- use it as a teaching moment. Take time to connect with your child, understand what’s going on and then teach him/her to take responsibility for his/her actions- like maybe saying sorry or giving a toy back that he took from someone else. It might be easier to apologize for the action and escape the situation, but most times it’s better to take a moment to grow with your child. Remember, we’re teaching tiny humans to be decent and kind, and that takes tender loving time.


So next time you think about apologizing for your kid, ask yourself, “do I really need to say sorry for this or is there a better action to take?” I promise this will save you a lot of grief and stress. Plus when you stop caring about pleasing others, it gives you freedom to be your best you- for you and your kids.



Ditch overwhelm, with an I get to girl mindset RESET today.

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