Jesus calms the storm
FAITH LIFE - LIFESTYLE - MOM LIFE - Motherhood - Wellness

Peaceful Motherhood

Jesus Calms a Storm

Luke 8:22-25 (NRSV)
One day he got into a boat with his disciples, and he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side of the lake.” So they put out, and while they were sailing he fell asleep. A windstorm swept down on the lake, and the boat was filling with water, and they were in danger.  They went to him and woke him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And he woke up and rebuked the wind and the raging waves; they ceased, and there was a calm.  He said to them, “Where is your faith?” They were afraid and amazed, and said to one another, “Who then is this, that he commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him?”

Isn’t that just like Jesus? To be with us the whole time, yet somehow we forgot he got in the boat with us because we were focused on the water starting to fill our boat. *insert hand raised emoji*

When I was attending Bible college, we had a chapel where we were asked to discuss our biggest dreams and biggest fears. I shocked even myself in revealing that my biggest dream was to be a mother. There was something deep in my soul that just knew- I was made for motherhood. So you can imagine that so many years later, as a mom of 3, I must be filled with constant joy and peace while fulfilling my God-given destiny, right?

I so wish that was the case for me, but if I’m truly honest, I have to admit that I ride the struggle bus pretty frequently. While I am living out my destiny fulfilled, I am still responsible to steward the promise that God has given me. If I’m not careful, I allow myself to believe that I’m all alone on this bus. But that simply isn’t true. One of the biggest dangers for moms of faith today, in my opinion, is the temptation to isolate yourself. When we begin to believe the lie that we are all alone, that is when fear steps in, that is when anger steps in, and that is when faith leaves the room (or the bus if you’re with me).

One of the biggest dangers for moms of faith today, in my opinion, is the temptation to isolate yourself.

When we read this story of Jesus calming the storm, we can see that He was with his disciples through the storm, yet instead of choosing to have faith, they allowed fear to take over. They woke Jesus, and basically were like, “Jesus, omg we’re dying!”

Honestly? THIS IS ME. I am over dramatic and love to exaggerate my situation, usually to be funny, but if you say something enough, you begin to believe it’s true. If you say,” OMG I’m dying,” enough times, you might begin to believe it. When you believe something is true, you live differently.

When you believe something is true, you live differently.

So do you believe the lie that you’re alone in your struggle? Or do you believe that Jesus has climbed in with you? What you believe will change your experience. When the disciples finally woke Jesus, they were frantic, but they knew they needed his help. He immediately calmed the storm (like what?!) and they were stunned by what just happened.

I wonder how differently this story would have looked if the disciples had chosen faith over fear from the start. I can imagine they would have saved themselves a lot of internal turmoil, had they not allowed their circumstances to dictate their peace. The disciples would have experienced peace in the midst of the storm if they did not let fear take over (aka naps!).

Philippians 4:7 (NRSV)
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

The peace of God doesn’t always make sense to us, in fact, it’s not supposed to. This verse even tells us that it surpasses all understanding. So Jesus sleeping through a storm? I may not get it, but I know that it is a reflection of the peace promised to us as Christians. Christian = Christ like. So if Jesus was sleeping through a storm, then I believe moms can maintain inner peace in the midst of the chaos of motherhood. It may not make sense, but that’s the beauty of it.

So if Jesus was sleeping through a storm, then I believe moms can maintain inner peace in the midst of the chaos of motherhood.

I know what you’re thinking, “OK, cool, I’ve read this story a bazillion times. I still don’t feel like a peaceful parent.” So what can we do on a practical level to help us remember that Jesus never left the boat? A few things I’ve been doing lately that have helped kick anxiety’s butt are:

  1. PRAY.

    I know, I know, you’ve heard it, tried it. But what I mean is this. When you feel anxiety or anger or fear begin to rise, stop and pray. Jesus will meet you and calm the storm of your heart. Take a minute to breathe, to rest, to pray.


    Seriously, positive affirmations are so powerful in helping to change your mindset. You can try, “I am a peace filled mom,” or “I am not alone in my struggle,” or “Jesus is with me.” This is no magic cure all, but it is a starting point to begin shifting your mindset from one of defeat to one of victory.

  3. ASK.

    Ask Jesus for wisdom to navigate the challenges you’re facing. Ask other parents going through similar challenges for advice. Ask your pastors for advice and prayer. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are the body of Christ and not meant to do this alone.

Jesus is with youSo even though it may look and feel like you’re sinking, know that Jesus never left the boat. He’s been riding the struggle bus with you, just waiting for you to reach out to him for his help. Take your eyes off of the water filling up your boat (read laundry filling up your couch, or dishes filling up your sink, or toys filling up your floor) and fix your eyes on Jesus. He has peace waiting for you. Choose to believe he is with you. If you think you may be struggling with postpartum anxiety or depression, please reach out to a healthcare provider. 










Ditch overwhelm, with an I get to girl mindset RESET today.

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