How to dress postpartum
Fashion - Fashion - LIFESTYLE - MOM LIFE - Motherhood - Outfit - Postpartum

How to Dress Postpartum and Feel Confident in Your Mom Bod

If you’ve stumbled onto this article, you’ve probably asked yourself, “how can I look good as a mom?” or “Can I be stylish as a new mom?” Well Mama, I went from a size 4 to a 14 after having 4 babies and I am sharing all the tips for how to dress postpartum and feel like your most confident self, whatever stage in your postpartum recovery. You can absolutely find your style again as a new mom, or a seasoned mom that’s on the self-love journey.

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[dahz_framework_dropcap style=”style-4″]You don’t need to be afraid of or ashamed of showing our shape. I still have a belly larger than my boobs after having 4 kids in 5 years. We all grow and heal differently. When you choose to accept and love your body today, no matter its shape or size, you take a step into true confidence that quite honestly, our children need to see. [/dahz_framework_dropcap]

Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not there yet! It’s a process of learning to accept and love our bodies daily. If you’re struggling to accept your body today, take a step back and ask yourself this question, “Did my body sustain life?” If you’re living, the answer is YES! If you’ve had children, the answer is DOUBLE YES! Now give yourself a round of applause because that’s a freaking incredible truth bomb right there.

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[dahz_framework_dropcap style=”style-4″]The next step to dressing confidently is finding details in your clothes that you love. I’m talking about the things that make you excited to get dressed in the morning! There are always fun trends to try, but here are a few of my mom bod favs summer 2021 fashion trends.[/dahz_framework_dropcap]

[dahz_framework_image_content title=”Puff Sleeves” id=”1003″ alt=”Mom wearing rust puff sleeve dress with son” btn=”GET THE DRESS” btn_url=”″]Love the clothes you’re wearing by adding the perfect details![/dahz_framework_image_content]

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The first trendy detail I’m currently obsessed with is puff sleeves. Keep in mind we have accepted our shape and are learning to love it daily, the puff sleeve detail is a fun way to draw attention to our clothes and not our shape. There are so many fun options with the puff sleeve and bell sleeve trend. Wearing a fancier sleeve can help you feel more dressed up and confident than just your everyday t-shirt. You deserve to feel your best!


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[dahz_framework_image_content title=”Peplums” id=”1004″ alt=”woman in yellow peplum top” btn=”GET THE LOOK” btn_url=””]Spice up your wardrobe with fun, feminine details![/dahz_framework_image_content]

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The next trendy detail that can help you feel more confident in your clothes is peplums. Pro tip: find a peplum with a more structured fit. If the top is too flowy, it can cling to all the wrong places and then does not bring on the confidence you want to exude.

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[dahz_framework_image_content title=”Tiered Dresses” id=”1005″ alt=”woman in green tiered dress” btn=”GET THE DRESS” btn_url=””]Tiered dresses are the perfect easy staple detail to spice up your wardrobe![/dahz_framework_image_content]

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Tiered dresses are so fun and flattering for almost any shape. If you’re opting for a tired or peplum top, be sure to choose one with more structure. I wore a tiered dress with puff sleeves for our family photos when I was only 1 month postpartum, and even though I wasn’t feeling my absolute best, it turned out so cute because I picked something that had details that I loved. From the rust color, to the fabric, and finally the shape of the dress. It all came together in a way that was so beautiful.

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[dahz_framework_image_content title=”Ruffles” id=”1006″ alt=”Ruffle floral shorts skort” btn=”GET THE LOOK” btn_url=”″]There is nothing cuter than a ruffle detail![/dahz_framework_image_content]

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The third and final detail I am loving this season is ruffles. I know ruffles sound too young for a lot of moms, but I can’t get enough ruffle details right now! A few ways you can wear ruffles would be on your skirts or shorts, in the fabric of your blouses, and even in your accessories like a ruffle detailed handbag or sandal.

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[dahz_framework_dropcap style=”style-4″]If you’ve thrown any eye rolls while reading this, then this last confidence tip is for you. Mama, be willing to try new things! I get it, we like what we like, but the fact is we may never be the same, and that means what worked before might not work for us now.[/dahz_framework_dropcap]

So take a leap and try something new this year. Pick a trend and GO FOR IT. You might hate the first few things you try, but it is complete trial and error as you get to know your postpartum body. Have some grace for yourself in the process and then love the heck out of yourself and those kiddos that are watching.


xoxo B signature




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