cold flu medicine
LIFESTYLE - MOM LIFE - Motherhood - Wellness

Every Mom’s Cold + Flu Season Survival Checklist

How I Survived Cold + Flu Season When Everyone Got it Bad

So if your kids are anything like mine, they’re germ magnets, monsters, eaters. I don’t even know what you call the level of gross that young kids are when they’re sick, but if you know you know

I wish I could say I cracked the code to staying well and avoiding sickness, but I’m writing this deep in the thick of cold & flu season which seems to have never ended in our home. I can however, share how I’ve managed to parent (or not) whilst being sick and taking care of sick kiddos simultaneously.

  1. Let go of expectations. If you’re normally that mom that has it all together, this is your chance to go wild, run free so to speak. Put the schedule down and focus on getting better. Everyone’s naps and sleep schedules are going to be off, so try to go with the flow and let everyone get as much rest as possible. There’s no need to stick to a strict schedule or put added pressure on yourself to pickup that to-do list while your healing.
  2. Order or pickup some easy meals. I’m not one to push processed foods, but if you can meal prep or grab some easy meals this will help you as you may not be up for being on your feet in the kitchen. Our favorite easy meals are frozen waffles (kodiak cakes has super yummy protein waffles!), uncrustables, jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches, Canned soup, yogurt and fresh fruit (grab some non-dairy yogurt if you’re super congested to avoid adding more phlegm). We also DoorDash when we’re desperate, so if you don’t mind paying a little extra for tip & delivery this a great option.
  3. Communicate with your spouse/partner. I cannot emphasize this enough. Be open about how you’re feeling and what type of help you may need when your spouse is home. There’s nothing worse than having expectations for your spouse, but forgetting to communicate those needs and expectations. Allow yourself to be vulnerable with what you need, but also be sensitive to their needs as well. If everyone is sick, you’ll need to work together to take care of each other. If you’re a single parent, try to reach out to a family member or close friend. Maybe they can bring some supplies over or stay over so you can some extra rest. We all need our village to come through for us in tough times.
  4. We allow extra screen time when we’re sick. I’ve been trying to seriously limit our screen time, but if you have the flu while trying to also parent young kids, I’d give yourself some grace here too. Put on your kiddos favorite movie and post up on the couch with your OJ and tissues. Enjoy some couch snuggles and remember you’re letting go of expectations. Give yourself some serious slack while everyone (especially you) gets well.
  5. Stay hydrated. This rule applies to everyone, you, your spouse, your kids. Do not risk dehydration when you’re sick, just don’t. You need water to flush out toxins, you need water to stay hydrated and fight whatever virus has invaded you’re body. You cannot be your best self if you’re dehydrated and it will also make your symptoms worse. So please prioritize your fluid intake and drink that water! As someone who recently forgot to prioritize hydration and food intake while sick, I get that it can be tough. I almost passed out because I forgot to prioritize MY health, so please don’t make the same mistake. You can’t take care of others if you haven’t taken care of your own needs as well.

It seems like we’re always fighting the next bug in our house and I’m guessing it’s probably the age of our kids and how they interact with other kid’s their age. Until I crack the code for staying healthy during cold & flu season, I made a list of our personal must haves for getting through sickness with your family.  The amazon list is linked in the photo below if you’re ready to dive in, or keep reading if you’d like to hear why I’m currently obsessed with these particular items.
This post contains affiliate links which means I will earn a commision at no additional cost to you if you choose to purchase an item I have recommended. As always, I promise to only share items we use in our home and will use commissions to stay caffeinated.
Cold Flu Checklist

Here is my list of our top must haves for surviving cold & flu season with littles.

  1. Elderberry gummies/ syrup
    They say elderberry is one of the best ways to naturally boost your immune system and is even recommended as a natural remedy for the flu. My kids love the gummies, but syrup is also a good option as well. If you’re feeling crunchy, you can even make your own at home.
  2. Little Remedies Saline Mist
    I have used this for all of my kiddos at all ages (well my oldest is 4), and this mist helps clear out congested noses fast. It’s super fast and easy to use. It’s just enough pressure to clear out the congestion, without being painful for your kiddos. Even my youngest let’s me use the most without a fight!
  3. Vick’s Humidifier with pads
    We have tried two Vick’s humidifiers and love them both. The vapo- pads also help clear congested airways. We love the lavender ones for added soothing at bedtime. Just make sure you don’t use the vapor around newborns as it can cause respiratory distress (any menthol vapors/oils are not safe around newborns).
  4.  Fabric Sanitizer Spray
    You probably already have a favorite disinfect for your home, but have you tried this fabric sanitizer yet?  If you’re looking for a way to sanitize otherwise hard to clean items, like throw pillows, stuffed animals, couch cushions, you name it, you need to pickup the tide sanitizing spray. It helps kill germs and will leave your house smelling like fresh laundry so that’s definitely a big win. I was so stoked to find this last year and it’s become a regular cleaning staple in our house.

So whether you’re a health guru or like me, just trying your best to keep yourself and your family well, this list is for you. I hope you are encouraged to have grace for yourself and others and have found some helpful items to keep your family healthy. If you are a health guru, please send me all the things that I need to know. If there’s a code to crack on wellness, I need it so send it my way! If you found this helpful, please drop a comment to let me know or share it with a friend!  Thanks, lovelies!




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