Memory Lane - Motherhood - Wellness

Confessions of a Toddler Mom

OK, being real, motherhood is hard and sometimes we do things that aren’t pretty. So I’ve decided to share a few of my finer moments with you all, to hopefully brighten your day and make you feel just a little bit better about yourself. At the very least, know that you’re not in this thing alone- we’ve all been there and we all find ways of coping that may or may not be pretty.

  1. When my kids are being EXTRA I force my them to nap or go to bed WAY early. I mean really though, when my patience is wearing thin and they are clearly past their limit, I say goodbye schedule, hello sleep! Because I truly value mom-sanity and my kids deserve a sane mom, am i right?
  2. I put my hand in poop. Yup, it happened. I knew the diaper was poopy, yet somehow I managed to stick my whole hand in said poopy diaper.  You’re welcome.
  3. I wore pee pants on stage. Yes, I changed a diaper right before going on stage to sing at church, and well there you have it folks- pee pants on stage.
  4. My 3 year old still sleeps in my bed- sometimes. We managed to get our 1 year old to fall in love with bedtime in his crib, but not so with  big brother. So sometimes it’s cuddles in my bed OR sneak into my bed in the middle of the night.
  5. I lose my temper. If I hear “why” one more time I might just lose it!  Am I right? OK some days I’m totally awesome and can answer all the questions, but other days I just need a minute of quiet. If I do have a bad parenting moment, I always apologize and talk about it, because we’re all learning together.
  6. I threw a toy at my son.  So I’m perfectly aware this was probably ineffective in teaching him NOT to throw, but when you have toys thrown at your head enough times, you may or may not snap. SO I did it- I threw the toy. I did not cause any injuries. My son doesn’t throw toys at me anymore.
  7. I have a mean mom voice- and I’ve actually scared my toddler using it. OK, so I actually HATE mean mom, so I’ve been reading  & watching all the things to avoid mean mom voice, but until I master these parenting jedi skills, mean mom gets the job done when it’s really a big deal.
  8. I enjoy time away from my kids. There, I said it. I love “me time” or date night and no I don’t miss my kids when I’m gone for an hour.  I mean, I totally did when they were newborns and I still think about and talk about and write about them, but I LIKE taking a mini-mom break (or a big one when I can!) No mom guilt here!


All that said, I’m madly in love with my kids and I’m so happy I get to do this motherhood thing with them! Send me YOUR confessions. I want to hear the crazy, the silly, the embarrassing parts of motherhood we just don’t talk about!



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